Sophie W

Sophia glanced around the courts and noticed a small hole in the clubs window.
“I’ll be back!” Sophia called to her friends and hurriedly dashed into the clubhouse.
Sophia looked around the big meeting room where a dart had pierced through the window. Sophia looked around for anything out of place and her eyes rested on the clubs legendary ball signed by every single one of the players of the Swifts. In the side of the ball was a hole, slowly pressing the ball down to nothingness. The ball was punctured.

Sophia rushed outside again and over to the team. “The ball!......... Punctured!........... Darts!” Sophia was out of breath but the team understood quite clearly by seeing the crumbled mess in her hands.
“No!” We’re going to be in so much trouble when Hannah comes back!” Emma was in despair.
“We could replace it and fake the signatures?!” Alyssa desperately tried.
“Jeez, seriously, what did I do!?” Ben asked for the 7th time.
“It must be important so we shall make another one! Louie, grab the paper, Sophia the stick tape and Ryan all the players of the Swifts hands!”
The kids looked at Ben, completely dumbfounded.

Louie suddenly turned up with the paper, sticky tape and pictures of signatures.
“How’d you do that?” Alyssa whispered to Louie and then, without waiting for an answer, continued pulling Emma’s hair.

Ben got to work. He macheted the paper onto the newly inflated ball, then started sticking it all together. He stuck on the pictures of signatures and showed it to the team. “What a masterpiece!” he cried. Ben handed the mush to Emma. “Go and put it back where it was. No-one will ever notice the hole,”
Emma hurried off and re-appeared with a worried expression. “Julies seen the ball,” she murmured.
Now everyone in the team bore worried expressions.
“Seriously, why am I the only one who never knows what you guys are talking about!” Ben cried, exasperated.
Just then they heard a scream from inside the clubhouse; “WHAT IS THIS!!!!”