L.A.Rutaffholl (aka Matvey L)

Chapter 2

In the room Bob Bobby was standing, there was a GIANT.BIG.RED.BUTTON. THE MOST DANGEROUS THING IN THE UNIVERSE.
Bob panicked. They had most likely mistaken him for Dertyyosgyrudhfgeyeceedejhdjjf Deeeeeeeeeerolfagimnmnmnyo, as he was the only known living person to have successfully destroyed a big red button. Maybe my phone was right after all, he thought.
“ Excuse me?” asked Bob. “ I’m not the person you think I a-“
“ Of course you are!” said the woman- with- the- too- long- name- for- existence in a robot-like yet sweet voice. “ Why on earth would someone other than Dertyyosgyrudhfgeyeceedejhdjjf Deeeeeeeeeerolfagimnmnmnyo come to the making of the Dertyyosgyrudhfgeyeceedejhdjjf Deeeeeeeeeerolfagimnmnmnyo Movie? Anyway, I don’t care! GET TO WORK, ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Bob sighed, took a breath, leaned back and ran forwards into the buttonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn……………………………………………………………………………
BAM!!!!!! Bob Bobby fell down onto the mahogany floor with incredible impact.
“I’m not going to do this.” he sighed.
“Then who is going to get the five gfrieytyrtgsddrrwdsdrwasdersdwefgytuuiyontudiiiooeurijedkuurhfujhjdvmcgnjfhgufhgfughruhtgfjnmcncvjfkdjfffrjfrfjillion* dollars I have prepared?”
*A one followed by 4,000,000,002 zeros.
Five gfrieytyrtgsddrrwdsdrwasdersdwefgytuuiyontudiiiooeurijedkuurhfujhjdvmcgnjfhgufhgfughruhtgfjnmcncvjfkdjfffrjfrfjillion dollars is worth trying again, he thought. Bob Bobby stood back up, started running to the button…………..

And Headered it out of the window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob was amazed. Maybe, just maybe, he could survive.