The realms of evil
Dertyyosgyrudhfgeyeceedejhdjjf Deeeeeeeeeerolfagimnmnmnyo is probably the most famous person in the world. A staggering 19 billion people out of 24 billion in the world know him, a truly whopping 122 123ths of which are his legion of adoring fans. He is the world’s greatest (and only) IMMORTAL RED BUTTON DESTROYER.
However, every time he prevents one from blowing up the entire universe, the 18 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion megabytes of power changes his appearance. Luckily, no-one has been mistaken for him.
Until now…………………………………
Chapter 1
34 Geminiorighaka 30931 (17 March 34011)
One day in Derty’s good ol’ life, when he was sitting on the veranda of his luxury palace, enjoying a cup of whiskey..
Derty immediately picked up the phone. There was a message saying:
Dear Derty,
Please come to 3451 Cavalyr Rd, Hollywood, at 3:33:48:889 in five days.
We are going to make a movie about you.
Bob Bobby was a very very very poor plumber. He was sitting on a bench next to a sidewalk, eating leftover pieces of food when.. DOOP!
“Yo hav aa noo misij.” informed Bob’s phone. Bob checked his G-mail. Indeed he did. This is what it read:
Plumber, my tap is leaking. Please fix it! My address is 3451 Cavler Yd.
“Cavalyr Road?” Bob gasped. “But that’s in Hollywood!”
“I must inform that you are incor-” Bob shoved his phone into his pocket and got into his Phoenix. “Come on!” he said. “We’ve got a client to save!” …
Dertyyosgyrudhfgeyeceedejhdjjf Deeeeeeeeeerolfagimnmnmnyo was flying over the Bermuda Triangle with 3 hours, 33 minutes and 44 seconds to go. He was determined to get to Hollywood. Suddenly…
A gargantuan shark dove out of the water and gripped onto the helicopter, pulling the Turbo-Turbula down into the ocean. Dertyyos tried to steer it away and took a sharp turn. He was flung out of the vehicle and fell…
Right into the mouth of the shark!
39 Geminiorighaka 30931
As Bob Bobby approached 3451 Cavalyr Rd, a sense of evil and trickery filled the air. Thunder was heard in the distance, rain poured down, and the sky was red. Bob gulped. Hollywood is a beastly place, he thought. As he went into the building, he felt someone was watching him, when…..
“Hi!!!!!!!!!!!” a woman jumped out from behind. “ Your’e a bit early, but never mind.” They were now in an elevator. Bob was watching the screen that told you which floor you were up to. “My name is Akjdjjfueujjejjd Ajdhfuehdeudeu Bkejjdieiejdrelmodfgjkkrehfirjifjefiejfiejflkdijfvdkjfodojefoiefoeifdidjfkdjfkdjfirjfkcmvdnjjjvcjfh;dohvjdfshsdhidjnvuinrfufdhkjfss;aqphur;hcjkrfjuufiorjeimru….”
“aksajiedejdioejfirjfiillkejfiejfiodjcikdjfoiiffjq[rirofjijfkejrfkrejutrheunmhhgjfdhgurhjvhvuhrufhruviueijrfiorjeefiomeviufemrviunriunvrvtuvyyuurfrnvfjvunrfjvnrjffffvnvkkfvm fvmjff……”
“kl odirmjeirvnwepontvvjiernwgfvfeiuvniwgjfruvforuhfuirefhioernffumrefhuierhnvfuvhiufvhnueirynfvroiiivufrufmireootuvn89rt8rfunyrtr898vivtiuwnryseiupytpreuw[t]rw opnqen iuirmemirumviermvreu imreturutrupowemeiwqetunrwutpnvujheiugfgrehnfuhuirehigufrehuoimeutreutvninortuionpeutvrumeritvjjuvjmjrvemjiuvjruj…..”
“jf hriufvorhnuifhdvnhfuihvfndndhvjdfmhiferturitngfhtr;opiu[vmwy[utnvgrptmu83v[q8mr;soutnffspd’adr]eirfiuniefurivmv iortr eiiprvmriutrv[omjfdkfjkvmgjtriemoj;iotjeiotmrejgifjtogirjtiowujtrmojwfr iruen[jtuvoir irmtuoiret rt,0wv trm[iu mproiewmit oprm[et……”
1381, 1382, 1383,1384,1385,1386
“iovtoien[oiumiuwrutripeutveriptvviuphjrpehufihrufghyruihfuiriewpqyt9853vyt9qntp[t’or. Here we are!” she said, stopping the elevator at level 1567. “ We shall start now!”
Then Bob saw it. The most dangerous thing possible. The question was not why he was in Hollywood. The question was….
Would he get out alive?