Matvey L

The realms of evil
Dertyyosgyru Deerolfagimnyo is probably the most famous person in the world. A staggering 19 billion people out of 24 billion in the world know him, a truly whopping 122 123ths of which are his legion of adoring fans. He is the world’s greatest (and only) IMMORTAL RED BUTTON DESTROYER.
However, every time he prevents one from blowing up the entire universe, the 18 trillion trillion megabytes of power changes his appearance. Luckily, no-one has been mistaken for him.
Until now…………………………………

Chapter 1
34 Geminiorighaka 30931 (17 March 34011)
One day in Derty’s good ol’ life, when he was sitting on the veranda of his luxury palace, enjoying a cup of whiskey..
Derty immediately picked up the phone. There was a message saying:
Dear Derty,
Please come to 3451 Cavalyr Rd, Hollywood, at 3:33:48:889 in five days.
We are going to make a movie about you.

Bob Bobby was an extremely poor plumber. He was sitting on a bench next to a sidewalk, eating leftover pieces of food when.. DOOP!
“Yo hav aa noo misij.” informed Bob’s phone. Bob checked his G-mail. Indeed he did. This is what it read:
Plumber, my tap is leaking. Please fix it! My address is 3451 Cavler Yd.
“Cavalyr Road?” Bob gasped. “But that’s in Hollywood!”
“I must inform that you are incor-” Bob shoved his phone into his pocket and got into his Phoenix. “Come on!” he said. “We’ve got a client to save!” …
Dertyyosgyru Deerolfagimnyo was flying over the Bermuda Triangle with 3 hours, 33 minutes and 44 seconds to go. He was determined to get to Hollywood. Suddenly…
A gargantuan shark dove out of the water and gripped onto the helicopter, pulling the Turbo-Turbula down into the ocean. Dertyyos tried to steer it away and took a sharp turn. He was flung out of the vehicle and fell…
Right into the mouth of the shark!!!

As Bob Bobby trudged up the stairs of 3451 Cavalyr Road, a sense of evil filled the air. A lady named Hvigurhg Duuyewir guided him into a room. The doors slid shut.
Bob gulped. The question was not what was going on. The question was……
Would he get out alive?
Chapter 2

In the room Bob Bobby was standing, there was a GIANT.BIG.RED.BUTTON. THE MOST DANGEROUS THING IN THE UNIVERSE.
Bob panicked. They had most likely mistaken him for Dertyyosgyru Deerolfagimnyo, as he was the only known living person to have successfully destroyed a big red button. Maybe my phone was right after all, he thought.
“ Excuse me?” asked Bob. “ I’m not the person you think I a-“
“ Of course you are!” said the woman- with- the- too- long- name- for- existence in a robot-like yet sweet voice. “ Why on earth would someone other than Dertyyosgyru Deerolfagimnyo come to the making of the Dertyyosgyru Deerolfagimnyo Movie? Anyway, I don’t care! GET TO WORK, ASAP!!!”
Bob sighed, took a breath, leaned back and ran forwards into the buttonnn…
BAM!!!!!! Bob Bobby fell down onto the mahogany floor with incredible impact.
“I’m not going to do this.” he sighed.
“Then who is going to get the five bijillion* dollars I have prepared?”
*A one followed by 4,000,000,002 zeros.
Five bijillion dollars is worth trying again, he thought. Bob Bobby stood back up, started running to the button...

And Headered it out of the window!!!
Bob was amazed. Maybe, just maybe, he could survive.
chapter 3
When Bob Bobby woke up the next morning, he found a hideously humongous amount of cash lying on the floor. He cackled evilly. “Finally I am rich. I shall rule the world, and ye shall kneel before me!
“Excuse me, are you all right there?” asked the lady- with- the- too- long- name- for- existence (who I’m gonna call Liwores Vasileou Tiriolrasi out of convenience).
“ I’m fine.” Bob was clearly shocked by Liwores’s appearance, and had to act fast. “Then why were you screaming?” “Because….. My hair was really messy!” Bob smiled, but sadly it was not contagious. Liwores was frowning with extreme suspicion. He expected her to exit the room, yet she stood nonetheless.
“Well, get ready. It’s going to be a big day!”

22 Tyuiofgukyrta 30392
Bob’s personality had changed so much in the last year/ oik that you could barely notice his personality. Not that anyone did, as he was STILL undercover as Dertyyosgyru Deerolfagimnyo.
He now forced everyone he saw to kneel down. Despite the infinite amount of money he now had, he would refuse to pay anyone as his valuables “had better purposes.’’ He also stole as much money as he could. This made people reeeaaaly hate him, and the Dertyyosgyru Deerolfagimnyo Movie was getting very bad payment.
One morning, Bob Bobby got some very bad news:
“I am truly sorry, but I have no choice. YOU ARE FIRED!!!”
“Oh no I’m not.” replied a voice behind him. “Could someone please tell me what’s going on?”
Bob looked around. He was done for!
Epilogue/Chapter 4
If you ever go to Hollywood, you might find an old man in one of the drains. He will tell you about the plan to flood him after almost a year of being in disguise as Dertyyosgyru Deerolfagimnyo, the most famous person in the world.