
RING RING! The school bell rang as a herd of kids burst out of the door. I strolled down the street as I headed for my karate class. Today would be all about perfecting our kicks to make sure we do the proper spiral movement in our leg joints- A kid in black clothes, black sunglasses and black hair stared. His eyebrow twitched as his knuckles clenched. Rubbing my eyes I convinced myself he was my imagination. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

My mind swirled with confusing thoughts. I know everyone in the neighborhood! Is he new? How come I’ve never seen him at school? Is he a ghost? I decided to put these questions aside as I approached the class. I quickly changed into my karate uniform as I took my seat in class. Glancing to the side I spotted the same strange kid except a tight black uniform, compared to everyone else's white uniform was strapped onto his body and his sunglasses had disappeared.

“Welcome back to FKK also known as Fierce Karate Kids. As you know we will be perfecting our kick movement today. I would also like to introduce Evan Black to our class. Everybody stand up and show me the three techniques!” my sensei announced

I jumped up as the class performed the three techniques as instructed. Until something caught my eye. In fact it caught everyone's eye! Evan had performed a series of complicated kicks we haven’t even learnt yet. His leg swished high up in the air as it followed kick after kick after kick. “Like I said, I don’t have any experience and am here to learn from the best.” he stated calmly.

After the shock had faded away from the room I realised he kept glaring at me with eyes as wide as an owl. His stare sent a shiver down my spine as I tried my best to concentrate on the lesson. Something was definitely off.