9 years
Ismaeel K

Chapter one
The 100th year anniversary was approaching. The footy club had been scrambling for an excellent committee to plan for the big day. After four months of relentless searching the club finally found the perfect committee. Now, you may be wondering what makes this committee so wonderful, it’s the people. The chairperson of the committee, Ismaeel Khan, was one of the greatest designers of the 1960s designing many iconic buildings. His employees said that he was one of the most diligent people you’ll ever meet. When he wasn’t very busy with anything, he enjoyed drawing and painting. One of the other men in the committee was Jim Smog. He was a very quiet man with brillant ideas for the committee. In his free time, he loved to go out and bird watch. Mary Pus, the only woman in the committee was a very creative and supportive woman. She absoulutley loved writing and had an excellent imagination. Will Chap, the side kick of Ismaeel, followed him wherever he went and liked playing his grand piano. Mat Rock was very talkitive and liked things done his way and loved cooking. Finally, Mike ra who was very quiet and greedy was Ismaeel’s staunches enemy. They never got along but the reason why Mike was in the committee was because he used to be Ismaeel’s closest friend.
Chapter two
It was the first meeting for the committee. Ismaeel arrived with his documents, shut the door to his car and said goodbye to his driver. He stepped onto the pale concrete which was cracked in most places and had ants going back and forth through the concrete. Shortly after, Mary arrived in a fluffy coat and velvet hat with red, high heels. She did not have a driver of her own, so she got out and locked her Mercedeas. Almost a minute later, Will arrived with all the other documents needed for the meeting. Mat Rock then arrived and entered without a fuss. As usaul Mke was the last one to arrive and took almost a minute to walk ten metres. After about qaurter of an hour, Mike finally reched the door stepping onto the soft, fluffy and detailed carpet and walked straight to the meeting room (very slowly). Once mike finally reached the meeting room, Ismaeel was ready to shout at Mike and send him straight out, hoping to never see him again, but Ismaeel took a few deep breaths and let his anger blow away.
Chapter three
The meeting had officially begun. Everyone was ready and had the suggestions stored at the top of their heads. “Alright,” boomed Ismaeel. “This anniversary coming up needs to be well organised, sorted out and most Importantly, FUN. Now, we need money for this isn’t a normal mary go round with horsers. This is a mary go round with footy balls. Since we can’t rent one out, I am going to design one myself with the money the club lended us. Is that clear everybody?” “But Ismaeel, what if the funding cannot cover the cost of the constrution?” asked Mary. “Well, in that case I will have to use a bit of my money to pay for the remaining cost.” Replied Ismaeel. “Thankyou sir.” “Ismaeel, I don’t want to ruin anything, but if we only have a mary go round and nothing else, the anniversary will be up too only two hours for once people have went on the mary go round, there will be nothing else to do!” shouted Mat. “No need to worry mat. There will be plenty of food stalls and games to keep the whole family entertained.” “Yes sir.”
Chapter four
The meeting was now over. Mike headed straight home to write a diary entry about the meeting. He had to record everything if he wanted his plan to go his way and ruin the anniversary.
May the 26th
The meeting had all gone to plan (for me at least) and everyone had given me the perfect information. Now, if there was no reason, then what I am about to do would be absoulutly horrendous. The reason infwhy I want to push all the popcorn onto the muddy ground (the ground alwaysed seemed to be muddy there) it will humilate Ismaeel and he will be a laughingstock. My plan will be to creep over to the popcorn stand and stand casually and once the popcorn man turns his face around I will purposly trip sending the popcorn tumbling onto the groundand one someone asks me what happened, I’ll simply say I tripped and fell. Once someone helps me backup to my feet, I’ll be the happiest man who ever lived. I can’t belive that (in my opinion) are quite dum. Some of them ask questions about things Ismaeel has already covered! Not even an eight-year-old boy would be that stupid. I just can’t wait for my plans to become a reality. But if Ismaeel wants fun, then I’ll give it to him. Now that Mike was done with his evil diary entry he put aside for a good night’s sleep.
Chapter five
It was the big day! Ismaeel couldn’t wait to show the whole communitty what he had designed. He put on his favourite black pants and his favourite blue tie and his favourite whit shirt along with his wallet with the name Khan engraved in the leather. However, there was one person who was much more excited than Ismaeel. Mike. He just couldn’t wait to ruin everything and then say it was just an accident. Mike wore his best clothes and even wore a tie for the first time in his evil life. About an hour later, everyone had arrived and Ismaeel was to do the honurs. “This footy club has been the best for a century now and counting,” The crowd cheered and paraded for they really were the best. “ I now declare the hundrth year anniversry opened!” Everyone ran straight to the mary go round and lined up ready to sit on a footy ball. Mike saw it as the perfect oppurtunity to sneak away and knock down all the popcorn. He quickly and quitely snuck over and started waiting casually. This contiued for about 3 minutes or so, and Mike then made his move. “Ah!” Mike tried to scream as loud as he could and he fell knocking down the popcorn. Out of the corner of Ismaeel’s eye he saw what had happened and wondered what to do next.