Orla O

2 hours later, we had reached the space station! The voyage had been incredible, my eyes had been glued to the window the whole time. I eventually found my rooms in the station, and went to explore. There was a library, hospital, swimming pool, cafeteria, 3 sports fields, a movie theatre, a leisure room, a space viewing area, and not to mention the 100 bedrooms which weren’t even all taken up! It was a massive space station, and I still couldn’t believe I would get to stay here for an entire month. Just as I was relaxing in the library, an announcement blared out. “ATTENTION ALL PASSENGERS AND CREW! THERE IS AN ALIEN SPACESHIP APPROACHING! PASSENGERS, RETURN TO ROOMS AND FOLLOW SAFETY PROCEDURES! ALL CREW OR ANYONE WITH A JOB ONBOARD, PLEASE COME UP TO THE SPACE VIEWING BOOTH IMMEDIATELY!” I had a job onboard - photographer - so I clambered up the stars to the vast space viewing booth. Standing there was the captain, the 2 men I had met earlier, and all the crew. I seemed to be late, so I quietly slipped into the discussion. “So Baxton, show everyone the ship,” the captain ordered with his gruff voice.
A skinny little guy pointed nervously to a massive spaceship approaching us. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before. It was decked with huge cannons and hundreds of guns on the sides. Everyone turned their heads towards it and most gasped in shock. But as the crew launched into a discussion of how to destroy it, I saw the captain. It was a 7 year old girl. Except that she had tentacles and was driving an impenetrable spaceship. She must have been an alien. I turned my head into the conversation and heard some snippets of argument.
“-destroy it! I have a super gu-”
“-thirty five bombs on boar-”
“-game of chess, it’s probably dum-”
I wondered what was going to happen next.