Meet the authors

Karen Foxlee

Join celebrated author Karen Foxlee as she speaks about her latest book, Dragon Skin. In this interactive session, you will have the opportunity to ask Karen about her books and her writing life.  

Have you read Dragon Skin?

Pip never wants to go home. She likes to sit at the waterhole at dusk and remember Mika, her best friend. At home, her mother’s not the same anymore and Pip has to go to bed early, turn off her light and pretend she doesn’t exist. When she finds a half-dead creature at the waterhole, everything changes. She knows she has to save this small dragon and return it to where it comes from. But how?

Karen Foxlee writes novels for both children and young adults. Her multi-award-winning books include Ophelia and the Marvellous Boy, Lenny’s Book of Everything and Dragon Skin. She loves to explore themes of friendship, love, loss and hope. She’s also pretty keen on magic and adventure. Karen lives in Queensland with her daughter, her cats, and two wicked parrots who like to eat parts of her laptop when she isn’t looking.