I was on my way to soccer practice at Willow Park. My team mates, Tiggerfa and Ben, were going to be there but Max was sick. I was thinking about how practice would state. Probably with with a warm up and then practice some tricks. I couldn't wait to show everyone how good I was getting at the Ronaldo chop and the scissors.
As I was walking I saw a dog juggling. "What an unusual thing!" I thought. In the dog's mouth there was a note that read, "Dear Mr Contro, please come and coach the Hammerheads tomorrow." It was unsigned. I wondered, "Who is Mr Contro?" and "My team is the Hammerheads. Is he going to coach me?"
At practice, I told Ben what I'd seen. Ben replied, "You must have been daydreaming. Coach Adam is definitely going to be here today."